As tax season approaches, the IRS is taking proactive measures to protect taxpayers from sophisticated email scams. They are launching a 10-week “Don’t Take the Bait” campaign to raise awareness about phishing attempts designed to steal personal and financial information.
IRS Tax Scams
These scams often come in the form of official-looking emails from well-known online tax preparation services or software providers. The message may offer a tempting discount for filing your taxes, updating tax software, or purchasing a new version. However, these emails are not legitimate—they are crafted by cybercriminals aiming to trick unsuspecting users into handing over sensitive data.
If you fall for the scam, at a minimum, you could expose your name, address, and credit card information. In more severe cases, hackers may gain access to your Social Security number, allowing them to commit identity theft or financial fraud.
Integrated Technology Systems warns while tax-related phishing scams aren’t new, cybercriminals have become increasingly sophisticated. Some fraudulent emails are poorly written and easy to spot, but many are designed to look nearly identical to legitimate communications from trusted tax software companies. Scammers mimic official branding, use similar formatting, and include links that appear credible at first glance.
One key way to detect these scams is by hovering over the links in the email—without clicking—to check the destination URL. If the link points to an unfamiliar or suspicious domain, it’s a red flag. Unfortunately, many victims don’t take this precaution, especially when enticed by the promise of a great deal.
To protect yourself, always verify tax-related emails directly with your tax software provider and never click on unsolicited links. The last thing you want is to hand over your personal information to a scammer. Stay vigilant, and be cautious this tax season!
People are more aware these days of scams and phishing emails, however, you still may be venerable. Integrated Technology Systems warns that companies need to be aware of employees accessing personal email while at work or working remotely. A security audit of your safety measures can reveal any access points or problems.
Contact Integrated Technology Systems today for an assessment of your network and recommendations. There is no obligation to use our services and you will learn valuable insights into your organization
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New York, NY 10017